Red velvet cake


°300 grams of sugar

°300 grams of flour

° 35 cl of oil

° 25 cl of curd)

° 1 teaspoon vanilla

°3 cl of red food coloring

°2 eggs

° 1 tablespoon cocoa

° 1 teaspoon of salt

° 1 teaspoon of baking soda

° 1 teaspoon of vinegar

+ to top

° 225 grams of Philadelphia cheese

°115 grams of unsalted butter

°450 grams of powdered sugar

° 1 teaspoon vanilla


Prepare two round molds lined with lightly buttered parchment paper and sprinkled with flour.

Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius.

Sift flour with cocoa and salt.

Mix buttermilk and vanilla also red food coloring.

In a food processor, whisk the sugar, the oil, the 1x1 egg, half the flour, adding the very red butter also the other half of the flour.

In a separate bowl, vinegar is also mixed with baking soda and added to the dough at the last moment.

Finally, the dough is divided into two molds and baked.

After half an hour, push a toothpick into the cake, it should come out with the crumb.

Leave it to cool for 5 minutes as well.

+ topping:

In a food processor, butter is whipped and vanilla and cream cheese are added.

Although very smooth, adding powdered sugar to the mixture is also very light and very white.

Cover the first cake with a third of the topping, place the other cake on top and cover the entire cake with the rest of the topping.

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